Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup
This delicious soup is packed with healthy nutrients and flavour! Parsnips, carrots, onion and an apple are roasted to make this creamy,...
This delicious soup is packed with healthy nutrients and flavour! Parsnips, carrots, onion and an apple are roasted to make this creamy,...
Nothing beats warming up to a warm bowl of soup on a cold day! This spin on a classic Chicken Noodle Soup swaps out chicken for chickpeas...
This classic, comforting soup is incredibly flavourful and so simple to make! Adorable little meatballs, mini pasta beads, fresh spinach...
This super easy and quick soup recipe makes the perfect cozy weeknight meal to warm you up on a cold night! I love to cook with fresh,...
Enjoy a comforting classic with a healthier twist! This chicken pot pie soup is easy to make and comes together in a slow cooker! Serve...
There is nothing better than coming home to a comforting bowl of soup on a cold day! This Slow Cooker Baked Potato Soup has all the...
There is no better feeling than coming home to a delicious, prepared meal after a long day at work! On a busy weekday, a slow cooker is...
This hearty soup is packed with fresh vegetables, chickpeas and pasta, making it a complete vegetarian meal that will leave you...
This Garden Tomato Bisque is full of fresh flavours! Garden tomatoes are roasted with onions and pepper before being made into soup,...
This healthy chowder is packed with veggies! The best part is, its easy to make and comes together in less than 30 minutes! Makes 5...
This delicious soup is perfect year round! Made with healthy ingredients like ginger, turmeric, lime and, of course, carrots, this...
This delightfully smooth soup stars seasonal asparagus to make a fresh-tasting, nutritious springtime meal. This healthy soup is made...
This soup is hearty, healthy (made with no actual cream!) and full of flavour. Best of all, it comes together in less than 30 minutes! 1...