Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup
This delicious soup is packed with healthy nutrients and flavour! Parsnips, carrots, onion and an apple are roasted to make this creamy,...
This delicious soup is packed with healthy nutrients and flavour! Parsnips, carrots, onion and an apple are roasted to make this creamy,...
We are suckers for all things pumpkin in this house and so we jazzed up our regular vegetable lasagna with the addition of this seasonal...
Nothing beats warming up to a warm bowl of soup on a cold day! This spin on a classic Chicken Noodle Soup swaps out chicken for chickpeas...
This comfort dish is so creamy and full of flavour you'll be sad when its all gone! Cheesy Parmesan polenta and blistered cherry...
Roasted Delicata Squash Fries are my new favourite thing to snack on! The skin on this squash is edible, making it an easy recipe and one...
A simple Fall(ish) salad to serve with dinner tonight! Apple, Beet and Corn Salad is served with a yummy Maple Apple Cider Vinaigrette to...
This deliciously creamy orzo pasta dish is packed with spinach! The sauce is flavoured with Parmesan and basil and made lighter by using...
Easy to make basil pesto which is better than anything you will purchase in a jar! Can't beat that homemade freshness! Ingredients 4 cups...
These breakfast tarts are so delicious and way more interesting than your typical breakfast! They definitely make such a special start to...
Embrassing all the Fall flavour with this easy to make Pumpkin Fettuccine Alfredo! This luxuriously creamy sauce makes a healthier take...
This simple, healthy corn and red pepper salad is incredibly easy to make and makes a nice fresh side dish! The perfect side dish for...
Fresh, fast and delicious! This Caprese Tortellini Pasta Salad is all of those things and more! Serve this delicious salad as a side or...
Recipe makes 2 sandwiches Ingredients 1/2 french baguette, sliced in half, each piece sliced in half lengthwise to make a sandwich 1/4...
This mac and cheese recipe is made healthier by adding a significant serving of vegetables and chickpeas for added nutrients and protein!...
This hearty soup is packed with fresh vegetables, chickpeas and pasta, making it a complete vegetarian meal that will leave you...
This Garden Tomato Bisque is full of fresh flavours! Garden tomatoes are roasted with onions and pepper before being made into soup,...
A healthy, delicious rice side dish! So simple to make and the perfect accompaniment to your dinner! Serves 4 Ingredients 1 cup basmati...
Jazz up your breakfast porridge with the addition of fresh vegetables and a perfectly jammy egg! Ingredients 1 cup of milk 2 tablespoons...
Studded with feta cheese and flavoured with fresh herbs, these fritters are definitely not as indulgent as they would be if they were...
Traditional Greek Salad is a healthy, fresh side dish perfect for most dishes! Super easy to make and packed with veggies, this simple...