Sheet Pan Honey-Mustard Haddock and Roasted Vegetables
This incredibly easy weeknight dinner cooks together in one pan (hooray for easy clean up!) and is made from ingredients found in your...
This incredibly easy weeknight dinner cooks together in one pan (hooray for easy clean up!) and is made from ingredients found in your...
We are suckers for all things pumpkin in this house and so we jazzed up our regular vegetable lasagna with the addition of this seasonal...
This easy to make dish is so comforting and delicious! The chicken and creamy lemon sauce is lovely over rice or pasta! Ingredients 8...
Homemade Shrimp Pad Thai is easier to make than you think and so tasty! Just as delicious and at a fraction of the price of takeout too!...
This comfort dish is so creamy and full of flavour you'll be sad when its all gone! Cheesy Parmesan polenta and blistered cherry...
An incredibly easy, delicious recipe that is full of flavour and requires minimal effort on your part! Simply add the ingredients to your...
Enjoy a comforting classic with a healthier twist! This chicken pot pie soup is easy to make and comes together in a slow cooker! Serve...
This classic recipe is cozy, creamy and great for meal prepping in advance! Jumbo pasta shells are stuffed with a creamy ricotta and...
Put your Christmas or Thanksgiving leftovers to use in this simple to make casserole dish. Turkey and gravy are placed in a baking dish,...
This super easy Chicken Noodle Casserole is a deliciously simple meal that is sure to satisfy all the picky eaters in the house!...
Delicious, fall of the bone turkey drumsticks that are so easy to make! These turkey drumsticks take about 2 hours to make, from start to...
I am currently obsessed with acorn squash! Not only is it delicious but look how cute it is when sliced! This super healthy, balanced...
A deliciously creamy weeknight dinner for when you're craving Fall flavours! Ground turkey and pumpkin stuffed shells are served in a...
Moist Swedish meatballs that are baked instead of fried and then smothered in a delicious, creamy gravy! This classic dish can be served...
A pasta dish that looks decadent but is good for you! The penne is smothered in a healthy pumpkin sauce and topped with peas and...
This deliciously creamy orzo pasta dish is packed with spinach! The sauce is flavoured with Parmesan and basil and made lighter by using...
Incredibly easy to make and full of fresh flavour, this pasta bake is sure to become a family favourite! This recipe is easy to make and...
There is no better feeling than coming home to a delicious, prepared meal after a long day at work! On a busy weekday, a slow cooker is...
This deliciously creamy sundried tomato pesto sauce is bursting with flavour! Served over whole wheat pasta, this dish makes for a great...
Moist, flavourful chicken breast that's smothered in herby pesto, melty cheese and diced tomatoes! This dish is so easy to make, requires...