Pumpkin Fettuccine Alfredo
Embrassing all the Fall flavour with this easy to make Pumpkin Fettuccine Alfredo! This luxuriously creamy sauce makes a healthier take...
Embrassing all the Fall flavour with this easy to make Pumpkin Fettuccine Alfredo! This luxuriously creamy sauce makes a healthier take...
This mac and cheese recipe is made healthier by adding a significant serving of vegetables and chickpeas for added nutrients and protein!...
Delicate Basa fish fillets are cooked to perfection and then topped with a lemony brown butter sauce! Browning the butter makes it...
This Grilled Chili Lime Chicken recipe is the perfect fresh and light addition to your summer dinner! The recipe is incredibly easy and...
A lightened up version of this decadent dish! This comforting dish is incredibly easy to make and comes together in under 15 minutes!...
Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Peach Glaze is a delicious and easy recipe for your summer cookout! Juicy and tender on the inside, with a...
A healthy grain salad that's packed with summer vegetables! This salad makes a great side dish with grilled meats or fish or can be eaten...
This 'adult' grilled cheese sandwich has all the classic melty cheese you want from this classic comfort food but is elevated with the...
Fresh tomatoes and chunks of feta in a flaky crust. Need I say more? Serves 6 Ingredients For the crust: 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup cold...
Hide extra veggies in your lasagna rolls with this twist on a classic! Shredded zucchini mixed into the ricotta mixture adds extra...
Yep. you read that right! This recipe is a healthier version of a comforting classic! No powdered cheese here though! The cheese sauce is...
This version of a classic dish is lightened up by baking the breaded eggplant instead of frying. Enjoy all the flavour from this...
No slow cooker needed. This super quick recipe comes together in just minutes for an easy weeknight meal! We shredded a store bought...
This breaded eggplant is baked not fried, giving you all the flavour you desire without all the calories! Serve with marinara for a...
Fresh basil and spinach pesto is tossed with spaghetti, zoodles and sundried tomatoes and then topped with burrata to make a spectacular...
Sometimes all you need is a classic burger! This family recipe is a tried and true family favourite. These juicy burgers will be making a...
Spanakopita Quesadilla anyone?? This super quick and easy dish gives you all the flavours you want from a classic spanakopita without all...
Fresh vegetables and a light, Greek yogurt dressing make this salad the perfect summer salad! Makes 2 larger salads or 4 side salads...
These flavourful skewers are perfect for summer barbecues or weeknight meals alike! The creamy peanut sauce is so easy to put together...
Grilled flank steak skewers made with a super simple, flavourful marinade and grilled to perfection! These skewers are so tender and...