Cherry Tomato Frittata
Cheese, eggs and perfect little cherry tomatoes come together to make a delicious, healthy breakfast! Easy to make and quick too, this...
Cheese, eggs and perfect little cherry tomatoes come together to make a delicious, healthy breakfast! Easy to make and quick too, this...
A simple Fall(ish) salad to serve with dinner tonight! Apple, Beet and Corn Salad is served with a yummy Maple Apple Cider Vinaigrette to...
A pasta dish that looks decadent but is good for you! The penne is smothered in a healthy pumpkin sauce and topped with peas and...
How pretty is this Roasted Parmesan Acorn Squash dish? I love squash of all kinds but acorn squash might be my favourite! Pretty slices...
Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs Breakfast Toasts are what breakfast dreams are made of! We made this delicious breakfast this morning...
Incredibly easy to make and full of fresh flavour, this pasta bake is sure to become a family favourite! This recipe is easy to make and...
There is no better feeling than coming home to a delicious, prepared meal after a long day at work! On a busy weekday, a slow cooker is...
This simple pesto is so easy to make and so incredibly flavourful! Ingredients 1 cup sundried tomatoes 1/4 cup olive oil 3/4 cup basil...
This deliciously creamy sundried tomato pesto sauce is bursting with flavour! Served over whole wheat pasta, this dish makes for a great...
Delicious banana nut waffles that are crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside! Bananas and pecans are BFFs in this recipe and make...
Delicious corn fritters made with smoked Gouda for an extra layer of flavour that's out of this world! These fritters are so easy to...
Moist, flavourful chicken breast that's smothered in herby pesto, melty cheese and diced tomatoes! This dish is so easy to make, requires...
Delicious, chewy chocolate chip granola bars made right in your own home, without any preservatives! So easy to make and much healthier...
Easy to make basil pesto which is better than anything you will purchase in a jar! Can't beat that homemade freshness! Ingredients 4 cups...
Embrassing all the Fall flavour with this easy to make Pumpkin Fettuccine Alfredo! This luxuriously creamy sauce makes a healthier take...
This delicious salad, packed with fresh spinach and tomatoes is taken to the next level with fried goat cheese! So. Much. Yum!...
This simple, healthy corn and red pepper salad is incredibly easy to make and makes a nice fresh side dish! The perfect side dish for...
Ingredients Salad 5 cups lettuce, chopped 2 peaches, sliced 1/4 onion, sliced 3 slices prosciutto, cut into thirds 1/3 cup goat cheese...
Fresh, fast and delicious! This Caprese Tortellini Pasta Salad is all of those things and more! Serve this delicious salad as a side or...
Recipe makes 2 sandwiches Ingredients 1/2 french baguette, sliced in half, each piece sliced in half lengthwise to make a sandwich 1/4...