Healthier Baked Eggplant Parmesan
This version of a classic dish is lightened up by baking the breaded eggplant instead of frying. Enjoy all the flavour from this...
This version of a classic dish is lightened up by baking the breaded eggplant instead of frying. Enjoy all the flavour from this...
These healthy fudgsicles are sugar-free and dairy-free! Made with coconut milk and naturally sweetened with dates, you can enjoy a rich...
No slow cooker needed. This super quick recipe comes together in just minutes for an easy weeknight meal! We shredded a store bought...
Grilled Corn Salsa is such an easy, healthy recipe to make and a great make ahead dish that keeps well in the fridge! Great as an app...
Homemade is always better! This barbecue sauce recipe uses pureed tomatoes and honey in place of ketchup and sugar. Feel free to adjust...
This breaded eggplant is baked not fried, giving you all the flavour you desire without all the calories! Serve with marinara for a...
Fresh basil and spinach pesto is tossed with spaghetti, zoodles and sundried tomatoes and then topped with burrata to make a spectacular...
We are in love with this perfect summer frittata! This healthy veggie frittata is delicious and definitely a pretty dish to serve for...
A refreshing summertime treat! Fresh watermelon is topped is drizzled with a delicious Greek yogurt-cream cheese mixture and topped with...
Spanakopita Quesadilla anyone?? This super quick and easy dish gives you all the flavours you want from a classic spanakopita without all...
Fresh vegetables and a light, Greek yogurt dressing make this salad the perfect summer salad! Makes 2 larger salads or 4 side salads...
These flavourful skewers are perfect for summer barbecues or weeknight meals alike! The creamy peanut sauce is so easy to put together...
Carrot Zucchini Muffins are the perfect way to use up that zucchini you've been wondering what to do with! These healthy summer muffins...
Grilled flank steak skewers made with a super simple, flavourful marinade and grilled to perfection! These skewers are so tender and...
Tender pieces of chicken marinated with lemon and oregano and served with fresh tomatoes, onions, tzatziki and pita bread! Assemble all...
Salmon filets, potatoes, and asparagus are flavoured with butter, lemon and dill and baked in parcels. This meal is incredibly easy to...
These turkey burgers are juicy and herby and oh so yummy! Paired with a healthy creamy slaw, these burgers are an instant hit! Makes 5-6...
This delicious soup is perfect year round! Made with healthy ingredients like ginger, turmeric, lime and, of course, carrots, this...
Fresh pesto is so easy to make and tastes absolutely incredible on everything! This pesto uses fresh spinach in addition to basil and is...
Healthy Parmesan Grilled Corn on the Cob is the perfect side dish for your summer barbecue! This recipe is so easy to make and definitely...