Chicken Souvlaki Platter
Tender pieces of chicken marinated with lemon and oregano and served with fresh tomatoes, onions, tzatziki and pita bread! Assemble all...
Tender pieces of chicken marinated with lemon and oregano and served with fresh tomatoes, onions, tzatziki and pita bread! Assemble all...
Salmon filets, potatoes, and asparagus are flavoured with butter, lemon and dill and baked in parcels. This meal is incredibly easy to...
These turkey burgers are juicy and herby and oh so yummy! Paired with a healthy creamy slaw, these burgers are an instant hit! Makes 5-6...
Fresh pesto is so easy to make and tastes absolutely incredible on everything! This pesto uses fresh spinach in addition to basil and is...
Fresh veggies and noodles are tossed in a delicious sesame peanut sauce to make a seriously addictive dish! This Sesame Peanut Noodle...
This spin on a takeout favourite uses baked chicken meatballs in place of fried chicken balls. Enjoy the delicious flavour of your...
This veggie-loaded meal comes together in just 15 minutes and is sure to satisfy your family! Made with a mix of spaghetti and zoodles...
Have a delicious, comforting meal on the table in less than half hour! This meal comes together quickly and uses ingredients that are...
A light, deliciously green pizza that is packed with flavour! The pesto adds such a great fresh taste to this pizza, you will definitely...
An easy and healthy recipe that has dinner ready in under 20 minutes! This recipe works with any fish filet, so feel free to use your...
These chicken strips are quick and easy to make, making them a great weeknight meal idea! They come out juicy and full of flavour and are...
Fire up the grill and cook up a delicious meal with these turmeric spiced shrimp! Turmeric gives the shrimp a gorgeous golden colour and...
These lemony drumsticks are so good and so easy to put together! Have a delicious dinner on the table using only 5 ingredients! This...
2 chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch cubes and cooked 1 red pepper, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1/2 red onion, chopped 1 cup snap peas...
This pasta is springtime in a bowl! The lemony flavour and spring peas add a brightness to this dish that makes me think of sunshine. The...
So good! This flatbread did not take long to put together and makes for a delicious and impressive flatbread! Ingredients 2 tablespoon...
A great summertime meal! Flavourful, easy and healthy too! For the skewers: 2 large chicken breasts, cut in 1 inch cubes 1 cup fresh...
These shrimp are delicious and so easy to put together. They come together in just minutes and are full of flavour! Serve with rice or on...
I love, love, LOVE this barbecue sauce! Flavourful and made at home with fresh ingredients, it is by far my favourite barbecue sauce!...
2 cups cooked salmon (or canned) 1/2 red pepper, diced 1 green onions, chopped 1 cup breadcrumbs 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 2...